En comparación, el de Andy Collins, Skip Williams y James Wyatt para D&D 3.5 parece una mera sombra, desnortada, desapasionada y difusa, del primer y original Draconomicon. Dragons of Faerûn , también para D&D 3.5, es un suplemento infinitamente más interesante y un excelente complemento al manual que hoy he tratado, incluso a pesar de pertenecer a una edición no compatible con AD&D. This is by far one of the strongest supplements from Wizards of the Coast since 3.5 started, and it has subsequently been complemented by the slightly-less-impressive but very useful Dragon Magic. Don't bother with Races of the Dragon, even if you're a big dragon fan like me. I really don't think Draconomicon will ever be surpassed.
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